Keep in mind you have to trust this person once walking away from a photoshoot) the moderator of the site removed my experience I shared letting future models know what they can potentially experience, if choosing to work with this photographer. Essentially a trade, time and receiving the work you had done with the photographer. I reported a photographer for stealing photos after agreeing to doing TFP (time for portfolio.

I guess I got lucky on the site till now.
I will update when I try out the paid levels. Used with candor and appropriate skepticism, this site is excellent! if someone presents themselves as representing Model Mayhem to book you for a gig, do not respond, they're a scam and spoofing them. Model Mayhem is not an agency, it is not a model management company, and they never claim to be. bring ID to prove your age, and if you're under 21, DO NOT GO ALONE! And, for f*cks sake, don't do anything to impair your ability to advocate for yourself! Myself, I choose not to drink during a shoot, and I choose not to engage in anything that restricts my physical movement, or my ability to speak, with anyone I haven't known for a really loooong time. be honest and direct, set your boundaries and stick to them, say so when something bugs you, meet in person for coffee first before shooting, and if ANYTHING feels the least bit off, LEAVE. hello, a certain proportion of the entire human population are creeps. the vast majority of people I've met and worked with through the site have been really cool people, just there for the business of art and modeling.
I've used the free level of Model Mayhem since 2011 as a model.